October 19th, 2022 Category: Life At NextRoll

A Feature on Fatherhood with Tannin Pease

Highlighting Paternity Leave Benefits During National Work and Family Month

Alyssa Dowdalls by

When Tannin Pease’s fifth baby arrived during Q4, the Manager II of Agency Account Management on the AdRoll Channel Sales team took advantage of our flexible work environment and parental leave benefits to spend time with his new son while also wrapping up the fiscal year strong. All working...

October 5th, 2022 Category: DEI

Diversifying and Developing Leaders at NextRoll

A Glimpse Into NextRoll’s Underrepresented Groups Development Program

Alyssa Dowdalls by

The tech industry has come a long way regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Still, companies, especially here at NextRoll, know the value of remaining intentional and focused on continuing to move the needle in a positive direction. Building a DEI team and mission is just the first...

September 21st, 2022 Category: Life At NextRoll

How NextRoll’s Bereavement Leave Supported Laura Fowler

Alyssa Dowdalls by

When Laura Fowler joined our team to connect new customers to our RollWorks ABM platform, she was only here for a month before her brother passed away unexpectedly. Losing a family member is never easy, and it can be incredibly stressful when you’ve just started a new job. But at NextRoll, Laura...

September 7th, 2022 Category: Life At NextRoll

Setting New Rollers Up for Success

How Our Onboarding Training Program Goes Above and Beyond

Alyssa Dowdalls by

No matter how long you’ve been in the workforce, starting a new job can be scary! Significant life changes –like a new job – can mean high stress levels, and on Day One can often feel uncomfortable because there’s so much to learn.At NextRoll, we get it. And that’s why our Learning &...

August 31st, 2022 Category: Product

How NextRoll’s Business Systems Team Streamlines User Experiences

NextRoll’s Tech Stack Series #6

NextRoll Inc. by

The division of labor between software engineering and information technology is, if not as old as time, at least as old as business computing. Engineering teams build the external, customer-facing product, whereas IT teams support the business behind the scenes. And in most technology companies,...

August 22nd, 2022 Category: Product

Using NextRoll’s Data & Analytics to Optimize Marketing Campaigns

NextRoll's Tech Stack Series #5

NextRoll Inc. by

Growing businesses always look for ways to build a larger customer base and boost sales. There are several ways to accomplish this, like encouraging word-of-mouth recommendations from current customers or offering discounts to entice new patrons. But launching a targeted marketing campaign can...

August 14th, 2022 Category: Product

How NextRoll’s Technology Engages Customers Effectively

NextRoll's Tech Stack Series #4

NextRoll Inc. by

Businesses and marketing teams of all sizes have the same goal of effectively reaching their audience through advertising and outreach. What defines the winners in this battle for that attention online is having the right marketing technology to deploy digital ads for the right price. There’s no...

August 11th, 2022 Category: Life At NextRoll

Hack Week Brings the Heat

Alyssa Dowdalls by

Keyboards were on fire in July as Rollers competed in our biannual Hack Week event at NextRoll! Our engineering and product teams, and any/all other Rollers interested in participating, took time away from their typical work projects to work on various fun projects. Learn more about our Hack...

August 9th, 2022 Category: Product

Preparing for the Future of Digital Marketing using CDP+

NextRoll's Tech Stack Series #3

NextRoll Inc. by

For anyone working in marketing technology or online advertising, there’s been a lot of talk about third-party tracking cookies. This technology has been around for nearly 30 years and is used to help marketers track, identify, and target users to display the most appropriate ads on websites....

August 3rd, 2022 Category: Product

How NextRoll’s Unified Identity Helps Growing Businesses Reach Customers

NextRoll's Tech Stack Series #2

NextRoll Inc. by

One of the most significant challenges for growing businesses is reaching customers. The world of online advertising is a noisy one, with millions of companies all targeting users on their computers, phones, and TVs. To break through that noise and stand out meaningfully, businesses need tools to...